Bishop Scholarship Fund

Who is eligible to apply to Bishop’s Scholarship Fund?

Any family enrolling children in Diocese of Bridgeport elementary schools in grades K-8 is eligible to apply each year.

What is the deadline?

Deadline for RETURNING families (families with a child currently enrolled in K-8 at any Diocesan-sponsored Catholic elementary school) is March 15 and NEW families April 15. Only completed FACTS Grant & Aid applications submitted online with all required supporting documents will be considered.

How to apply?

Complete the FACTS Grant & Aid application at, answer all questions applicable to the Bishop’s Scholarship Fund and submit the required supporting documentation. It is best to scan and upload your documents however families can now upload files in JPEG or PDF format from a mobile device. Faxed and mailed documents are no longer accepted. Please note there is a non-refundable $35.00 application processing fee payable by bank information. Only one application per family is required annually.

How are scholarships awarded?

  • Scholarships will be awarded to eligible students based on:
    • Program Eligibility
    • Financial Need
    • Timing of completed application submission
    • Confirmation of school registration
  • E-mail acknowledgments will be sent through FACTS to returning families beginning early May. New families will receive email notification through FACTS beginning late May.
  • You must accept the award online by the deadline. Credit to your tuition account will be made once your registration and enrollment is complete and verified.

Please note that although every effort is made to grant a scholarship to all those eligible for our programs, there is limited funding available each year. If you are denied an award, please reach out to your school’s administration about additional options that may be available to you.

What documents will I need?

  • 2024 W-2 Forms (W-2s are mailed out in January by your employer. If not received by January 31, contact your employer.)
  • entire 2023 or 2024 IRS Federal Tax Return (If you do not receive W-2s, you must submit 2022 Tax Return.)
  • Include any schedules filed with your 1040.
  • If you cannot locate your tax return, contact the Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-908-9946 and request a transcript.
  • If you do not file taxes contact the Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-908-9946 and request verification on non-filing.

I am having trouble uploading my forms.

It is best to scan and upload your documents however families can now upload files in JPEG or PDF format from a mobile device. Faxed and mailed documents are no longer accepted. Please contact your school for assistance.

What is a Leader of Tomorrow Scholar?

Leaders of Tomorrow is a program of the Bishop’s Scholarship Fund. Leaders are identified by their principals as students of good character, academic ability and leadership potential.  Leaders of Tomorrow are awarded on an annual basis and provide the student either a full ($6,000) half ($3,000) or quarter ($1,500) scholarship for the academic year.

How are awards distributed?

In the event you receive a Bishop’s Scholarship Fund Award, the award will be paid directly to the school on behalf of your student in installments directed by Foundations in Education in collaboration with the Diocese of Bridgeport.

Innovation and Leaderships Grants

How does it work?

Donors to Foundations in Education provide the resources for annual competitive grant programs that fund INNOVATION in classroom teaching and provide support for LEADERSHIP formation within Diocese of Bridgeport Catholic Schools.

Innovation Grants support educators’ creative projects or initiatives that may benefit multiple grade levels and have a long-term impact on student learning. Collaboration is encouraged, whether across grades or even among schools.

Leadership Grants promote professional development and leadership formation.

Who is eligible to apply?

Teachers and administrators in Diocesan-sponsored Catholic elementary, middle and high schools in Fairfield County are eligible to apply.

Previous grant recipients must wait one year before being eligible to submit another grant proposal.

How to apply?

Beginning September 15, applicants must complete and submit the online grant application. Proposals must be reviewed and approved by school principals prior to submission. The deadline to submit a grant application is October 31.

Applicants must:

  1. Provide the metrics and measures that will be used to evaluate a “successful” grant,
  2. Provide applicable supporting documents (i.e. budget/cost estimates for innovation grants and tuition or conference costs for leadership grants),
  3. Identify other available funding sources for the project,
  4. Agree to release personal images and information for advertising and marketing purposes, and
  5. Agree to present on the outcomes of the grant in Diocesan-wide faculty development forums or other suitable venues.

How are awards determined?

The Grants Committee reviews and evaluates each grant proposal and submits recommendations to the Foundations in  Education Board of Trustees for approval.

Grant determinations are subject to the available funding each year. Priority will be given to unique and innovative approaches to teaching that will maximize the impact on learning for our students. All applicants will be notified of their grant application determination by Foundations in Education in January.

What is the size of the Grant?

To date, grants have ranged in size up to $15,000 and may be made in one year or over several years if the project so requires.

The Grants Committee reserves the right to determine the grant amount and not all projects will be fully funded. Parameters for grant size may include:

  1. Maximum impact in Innovation and Leadership,
  2. Assistance in meeting diocesan priorities,
  3. Consideration for multi-year program development, or
  4. Specific priorities set forth by the Office of the Superintendent and/or by the Grants Committee (i.e. – focus on curriculum improvement, Mathematics, STEM, Arts, Robotics, Coding etc).
  5. Capacity to secure additional funding

Grant amounts will be recommended by the Grants Committee and approved by the Foundations in Education Board of Trustees.